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Please complete this survey so Kushtahn can improve the quality of the course Make Relaxation Your Superpower, and provide a better learning experience for future students. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day. You may begin by clicking the Continue button below.
Please rate Make Relaxation Your Superpower
* Overall
* How likely is it that you will recommend Make Relaxation Your Superpower to a friend or colleague?
0-6: unlikely - no I will not
7-8: likely - I may or I may not
9-10: highly likely - I already have or I will soon
* Did the course introduction provide an accurate vision of the course's framework?
* Were your expectations, goals and objectives for taking the course met?
* Is Kushtahn, instructor of Make Relaxation Your Superpower, knowledgeable about guided imagery, and did she effectively communicate the subject information to you?
* Did the course lectures contain an appropriate amount of content arranged in a clear, logical and orderly manner?
* Was the quality of production what you expected for the course and did you receive enough supplemental resources?
thank you, thank you, thank you
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